They're F24 and I'm M23. I was in a relationship with my ex gf for 6 and a half years, and last year we broke up. Kind of messy, but not the point. Her friend helped me a lot, we talked almost everyday and I kept her updated about how the breakup was going. She also felt that my ex gf was acting way out of character and, without doing anything special, the friend kind of sided with me.

Fast forward to the present, friend and I are basically best friends. We hung up once a month, text everyday and ~twice a week we do some voice chat and play games.

But there's this particular thing that stresses me out, and it's the friendship between her and my ex gf. It just makes me really anxious and insecure. I think it shouldn't, but it does. My ex gf has treated this girl poorly in the past, not always but things like not answering texts for months, being friends with a woman that treated the friend very poorly and it's an overall shitty person.

They barely hung up, afaik. Idk about the frequency of their texts, but my ex gf wasn't particularly good at texting, nor did she liked it. I shouldn't be worried, but I am.

What do you think I could do, realistically? I appreciate a lot this friendship, but I don't think it's a good idea to talk about it with her. Even if I only talk about how I feel, it might feel like I'm pressing her

tl;dr friend and ex gf are friends, I'm worried and anxious about it and I get really obsessed when I think they might have hang out.

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