I became sexually active at 19, had no problems with anxiety. Was having casual one night stands without any problems but later engaged in lont terms relationship ( 1 month ) and it ruined me. We had sex 2/3 times a night, one time even 6 times in a row and next week I lost all my libido and couldn't keep it up.

My pelvic floor became tight, I have a tight stomach, have to take deep breaths and my throat is closed. I have absolutely no libido.

I'm in this condition for 5 years. I took blood test for hormones, vitamins. Had blood flow test. Everything is fine and good. Every urologist and endocrinologist said I'm perfectly healthy
I'm fit, don't drink or smoke

Sometimes sex is good, can go 2/3 rounds with girls I like but with others it's problematic

Please help

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