I went on a date last week with a girl who honestly was drop dead gorgeous. She’s by far the hottest girl I’ve been on a date with and I was buzzing. We made out. We held hands. We seemed to have a great time. She texted me right after saying thanks and to let her know when I’m home.

Then I sent a text in the morning the next day. No reply. A text in the evening to set up another date. No reply. A text the evening after…. I know this was way too many. But her messaging was so confusing before we even met. Shed respond so fast for like half an hour I couldn’t even keep up, to just saying ‘right need to go. Love you. Don’t think about me too much when I’m gone xxx’ then just not reply for like 2 days or until I messaged again.

7 days went by. I sent her a final text saying I assumed she wasn’t interested. Good luck in the future.

On the date she had asked me to add her friend for a double date. So honestly, I asked her out instead. I get a message literally 5 minutes later from the girl I’d been on a date with saying sorry for the crap replied she’d ’had a family emergency’ and would no longer be pursuing a second date coz I slid into her friends dm’s. I apologised, said I felt I’d been ghosted so that’s why I asked her out. Asked for a second chance.

She said the emergency ‘wasn’t ideal but wasn’t catastrophic’ but wouldn’t give me a second date chance coz she didn’t like what I’d done. Then wished me luck.

Was she actually busy? I’m not sure… now all I feel is I fucked up but it had been a week? I can’t really seem to move on from this it’s really upset me. I really liked her.

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