Just finished watching The Leftovers and it has brought so many feelings to the forefront of my mind. Particularly grief and pain and how each of us handles it differently. My main question in this post though is this: Should this pain be shared? Everyone hurts. Everyone has some deep seated affliction. Maybe we're too embarassed to share. I feel for some reason its selfish to only focus on these pains when so many people are living with far more than I could ever handle.

Is it ok to feel this emptiness and lack of control? I still haven't grieved my best friend's death from years ago. I still think of ways I've hurt people and let those same people down. I can't forgive myself for not holding onto the values and dreams I once had.

How do you forgive yourself so you can adequately grieve? How do you do this so maybe in the future I can share my journey with someone going through the same?

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