I did basically peak at high school lol I was popular and outgoing once. It happened so suddenly but a couple of shitty things happened to me and I got depressed, didn’t even talk for a long time. Don’t feel like I ever recovered from that really. I do talk now and I am more of a personality than when I was depressed. I’m definitely less outgoing though now. I suck at making friends and I barely talk to people at work. People generally don’t want to talk to me at work either. Don’t feel very respected. I don’t think anyone likes me that much apart from my wife. I don’t even know how I got a wife but I am so close to her now and I feel like I can be myself around her and my own family but that’s it. I don’t feel like I have a strong personality. I’m a pretty weak and unconfident type. I hate it especially as I wasn’t always this way. I wish there was a program I could join that would toughen me up that isn’t red pill or something. I have a good life and I’ve improved so much on a personal level in recent years and my life has improved. Socially speaking though I feel like I don’t do too well. It makes me not want to do anything social and I end up automatically hating a lot of people because of their aggressive personalities.

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