I feel like there is nothing else i can do at this point. I have chronic depression, have been dealing with this for 10 years now, on and off, sometimes taking medication, others not. I’m just now coming to terms that i need therapy because in all these years i never wanted that because i never wanted to talk about traumas of the past. And when i’m in me depressive episodes i neglect my house, forget simple things like buying milk or bread, i don’t do it on purpose i swear, i just get in a auto pilot state that some days its like i’m numb. Every time me and my partner argue he gives me the silent treatment for days, its always been like that, and now because of me neglecting the house and everything its got worse. We had a talk a month ago where he said that he would support me but that i really needed to get my shit together, saying that he would even go to therapy with me if i feel like he is part of the problem (for context he cheated on me numerous times during both my pregnancies and even in between), but that i need to get my shit together. He was very supportive. But a week later he just got mad because i kept doing what i was doing even though i thought i was trying my hardest to improve, and then it started the silent treatment, which is still going on, apart from a few days where we were almost ‘ok’. I really need advice because i feel like my relationship is going to shit. He says that he’s the one that always has to remember everything and solve every problem, and that hes tired of that. I don’t know what to do because deep down i’m tired to because i just wanted his support in comprehending what i’m going through, and i forgave a lot from him, i expected a bit more i don’t know… my question is, should i let things end between us or should i fight? Because in all of this, all the cheating i’ve forgave, and now the state of our relationship, sometimes i feel like i don’t care at this point, like i don’t care if he breaks up or not, because i’m already drowning in the depression, i feel like i dont have the strenght to fight for the relationship

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