Idk what it is, but i can never seem to click with popular girls or girls that are super extroverted. I have enough social skills to get by, like I can hold up small talk and be pleasant— but besides that, im never part of those big groups of conventionally popular people. I have a lot of friends, but they’re all either more introverted like me or extroverted but also dont really hangout with those types of people. Im really happy with the friends I have, but it gets annoying sometimes when I get side eyed by those popular girls or get excluded from conversations in class. I just dont know what about me wont let me fit in. Im not beautiful by any means, but im not horrendously ugly. Guys have liked me before. So its not like they think im grotesque or something. I always just never seem to get it, like the way they interact with one another. I try my best but it feels like Im just imitating them. I dont know if im just weird and thats why they dont like me or if i just cant talk to people, but it bothers me. I dont really care what they think, but its hard sometimes. I feel like im a different species compared to them, I have no clue how they function 😭

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