For example how likely is it that someone like Andrew Yang could become president or that an Native American politician could become US president?
So yes, it is possible. Thank you all 😉

  1. Completely possible. After all, Kamala Harris is part Asian and is next in line to be president if anything happens to Biden, and we already had another Vice President who was Native American, Charles Curtis.

  2. I don’t think Yang has a chance but it isn’t because he’s Asian.

    I think it could happen depending on the candidate.

  3. Statisticaly its less likely than other minoritity groups because they are a lot smaller. Asians are around 3-4% of the born citizen population and Natives 1-2% compared to 15% at least for Blacks and Hispanics. But Khamala is vice president as half south asian and Charles Curtis was VP in 1924 with native ancestory (also technically any Mestizo Latino would be part Native too).

    That being said in theory a native should be more likely to get into the Senate due to over representation in the American West.

    Also technically Mitt Romney may have been the first Hispanic presidential candidate.

  4. Definitely possible. In Yang’s case, I don’t think he personally really has a shot though as, with the way the left is moving more and more progressive, he’s slowly losing his base out from under him. I think the new mayor of Boston (apologies, but her name escapes me at the moment) fits into more of the DNC’s base in its present state.

    Edit* Michelle Wu is apparently her name, thanks random citizen!

  5. Well technically we have a South Asian as Vice President so I don’t see why not

  6. Possible? Sure

    Likely? No, not any time soon. The establishment has their favorites and none of them are natives or Asian.

    Ultimately our choices are almost always decided by the two big parties and they have a short list of people they want as their candidates that tend to come from the same handful of powerful wealthy families.

    Is it possible to run in the primary and beat out the party’s favorite? Sure, but it’s very difficult.

  7. Yes. (Though Yang probably not because of his politics, not his ancestry)

    Just a short 15 years ago common consensus was a black man could never be president. And when that occurred half the country feared he would be assassinated practically at his inauguration.

  8. An Asian is possible. I think a Native American is extremely unlikely at just ~2% of the population.

  9. Dejern Literally anyone born in the US could be president in the United States. Realistically its a bit different. I can see an Asian president be elected in the next 20 years. I doubt there will ever be a full blood native American president though.

  10. Yes one day it will happen. We’ve already had a Native American Vice President in Charles Curtis. He served during Herbert Hoover’s term.

  11. Native American is very likely, but it will probably be a white presenting member enrolled in a larger tribe. Think Oklahoma Governor Stitt or congressman Brad Carson. Someone like Warren, but who actually is a citizen of a tribe.

    Also I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up being a conservative.

  12. I think anything is possible as long as you’re giving the people the right message. That’s the most important part. I also think it’s harder for women because the criticism is always worse for them. Double standard and ask that.

    Though a Native American I’m not sure how that would go. They could be seen as ultra American since they were the first but I think there is still some stereotyping out west were alot of red voters are. But I’m not from that area so I don’t know the nuances.

    Who is backed is also based on who the political party thinks will beat the other contender. If they think a non white candidate will loose them they won’t nominate them. It’s just a big popularity contest really. So you have to sell yourself really well. It’s unfortunate.

  13. I’m 55, I hope this happens in my lifetime.

    More than anything, politicians need to get younger.

  14. I think the most qualified and smart person should be the President. So yes that could 100% mean Native, Asian, Woman, Atheist and maybe even a man! lol.

  15. It’s possible, though realistically we’ll probably see a female president or a Hispanic or even another black president before we see an Asian or Native American be elected.

  16. Totally possible. I think the majority of Americans aren’t racist, despite recent popular belief. If the right candidate came in, and happened to be Asian or Native American, they definitely can be elected.

    My worry is that they may be more likely to get elected because of this, rather than their policies.

  17. Possible, not likely for a native. Ironically enough, most of them are very very racist, toward everyone, white people, black people, other natives. Let’s not forget if you’re white you’re automatically a colonizer, even though a huge chunk of the US came after all that, including my ancestors who came to the US during ww2 (source: am from a half Native American half croatian family.)

  18. As I always say, I don’t care what race, gender, religion, etc. they are, as long as they support the same things I do, I’ll vote for them

  19. I would love for a Native American president. Think of the efforts we would achieve towards Sustainability

  20. There’s no reason they couldn’t be, it’s just much less likely to happen than someone from the larger demographics (white, Hispanic, black) because just those 3 make up ~90% of the US population. Asians are less than 6% and Native Americans are less than 1%.

  21. Yeah, I don’t see why anyone can’t be President so long as their policies make sense.

    I don’t think Yang does so, therefore, he’s not really a serious candidate.

    Otherwise, be honest about the demographics here.

    There’s not really a strong concentration of Native Americans or Asians that can swing things.

    Native Americans haven’t been given the best shot thanks to past mistreatment and obviously, they’re fractured, so it’s hard to cultivate talent and representation from that.

    Asians, on the other hand, are usually not very connected to the working class and/or rural areas. And if they are, it’s usually because they’re recent immigrants – which makes it difficult to simply jump in and become a politician.

    Then, among progressives, there is a tendency to view them as lesser. Maybe it’s not intentional but there’s a good reason progressives are pushing for “BIPOC” rather than “POC”, giving Asians less opportunities in Ivy Leagues, and pushing for Proposition 16 type measures. Culturally, like other minorities, Asians tend to be a little more conservative. Therefore, this hurts them among that group (both likely to have more representation on the West Coast and North east).

    Because Asians aren’t well connected to any of these groups, there’s not going to be as much opportunities to represent others.

  22. We almost had a Native American President, Charles Curtis was made Herbert Hoover’s VP mostly as a way to get him out of the way. Had President Hoover had a good record, Curtis could have probably been our First Native American President in the 1930s.

  23. Anything is possible in the United States which elected Barack Obama president. You just need the right person to run.

    Vice President Kamala Harris will probably be the first Asian president.

    Vice President Charles Curtis was Native American and might’ve become President instead of Herbert Hoover. Secretary of the Interior Deborah Haaland, Representative Sharice Davids and Lt. Governor of Minnesota Peggy Flanagan could become President of the United States one day.

  24. Asían yes. Yang no he’s a joke. Native American personally no objections but doubtful.

  25. One has already been the vice president. Charles Curtis, a Republican, was elected vice president in 1929 under Herbert Hoover. He was also the first non white vice president, not Kamala Harris. He was a member of the Kaw Nation.

  26. A Native American has already been Vice President in the 1920s, so I can’t see why it wouldn’t eventually happen.

  27. We wouldn’t even be the first in the Americas. Bolivia has had an indigenous President and Peru has had a President of Japanese ancestry.

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