My boyfriend (27m) and I (27m) have been together for 3 years, lived together for 2. We’ve been casually looking at houses as they start to pop up. He always mentions what WE would have to put down and what the mortgage would be. Considering we’re not married, is it a bad idea to split a down payment?

I want to talk to him about this, but I feel like it is going to cause an argument. I feel like one person has to pay the down payment and own the house while the other pays half the mortgage/“rent”.

Most of my friends who recently bought houses are engaged or married. The other couple we know who recently got a house and is not engaged/married is splitting the mortgage, but only 1 person paid the down payment, so it is technically only his house if anything were to happen.

TL;DR – My bf has the intention of splitting the downpayment of a house whenever we are ready to buy and then splitting the mortgage. Isn’t this a bad idea if we are not married?

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