so today my gf (20) told me (21) while i was at the store today when she woke up she was feeling numb, i asked her like touch kinda numb and she said emotionally numb so ofc i told her i love her and i’m sorry she woke up feeling that way and i tried to rush home to cuddle and show her affection only for her to then tell me she doesn’t really feel any love for me at the moment. my heart dropped and she kinda just laughed and said she hasn’t felt this way in a long time but it’ll go way and assured me although she doesn’t feel love she knows she loves me but while im visibly upset she’s just giggly.

we’ve been seeing each other for 8 months now and officially dating for almost 4 now, everything is great, she’s sweet, beautiful, kind and caring, we’ve never had an actual argument, ofc we might bicker but it’s always in good spirit so this just felt so out of the blue and it did hurt me to hear her say that, we relaxed for awhile after in bed before she got up and ready, she left for work now and i’m just kinda here. is this a red flag? should i feel upset or just blow it over like she seems to be doing

TL; dr My girlfriend this morning told me she feels emotionally numb and doesn’t feel love for me, she assured me it’s just a temporary feeling she’s gotten before but it made me upset and i don’t know how to feel

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