So, I went on a first date with a guy today, and whilst we were both quite reserved and formal, I also felt that it went well and we had a lot in common. It was after work, he was dressed in a suit, we were both generally very polite and formal with each other, and also quite tired.

He paid for the dinner. He was apologizing for being tired towards the end, and he works long hours and had to get back to his city. Toward the end of the date he'd asked whether I have plans for the weekend, but it could have just been him making conversation. We said goodbye at the train station and he said something like "definitely stay in touch and hope you get back ok". I intended to text him thank you (especially since he organized and paid for the dinner) shortly after getting home. I received a text from him first, saying "I finally got home despite the train delays. It was lovely to meet you this evening. I really had a good time!".

I left a message back (albeit with an hour's delay because I had to take care of a few things) and said thank you for the dinner, and it was so lovely to finally meet him and that I may have been rather tired, but that I enjoyed myself.

Now I'm not sure what's going on. Was he just being polite? Usually the man asks for the second date at the end of the first date or in the first text afterwards. I'm not sure what this means? Did I signal enough interest, too? He seems to be the type of person to take initiative, which is why I didn't add "it would be great to see you again", because I thought that he may be taking the lead? I messaged him quite late, so I'm sure he is sleeping now anyway.

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