Hello guys ,
I just wanted to know that are there any tools or techniques or frameworks or some kind of thing which can help you to craft a message/response content wise i.e basically what to say in a conversation.Usually a conversation mostly happens in the form of sentences (sentence which are not statements you can google about it) which are not questions or statements (what is a statement you can google that) . because what I have usually seen in a conversation some one is just delivering some information in the form of sentences and statements .so I want to know how to craft a message or reply back in such scenarios.

Many a times I have tried the advice of identifying the topic and then trying to speak up on the topic ,but that also fails if the topic is too specific ,since the advice of topic only works in the case of general topic like eg: dogs , office culture etc where one can just put any sentence or statement about the topic and boom you've contributed.its not like that everytime in a conversation,sometimes you are given specific scenarios and you have to talk within those particular limits ,then what to say in those situations.

All the efforts by everyone will be highly appreciated
Please share this post as much as possible in reddit so that everyone can input their suggestions ❤️, and we can get maximum idea about how to craft a message or response.as the more the post will be shared it will be a win win for all of us.

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