I’ll try to keep this short. I don’t know if this is out of relationship boundaries or something that is too much to be asked for.

My boyfriend came back from deployment almost 4 months ago. He always has been pretty high energy and I enjoy the quiet. But, I do think getting out is healthy, so almost every day we are always doing something or on the go. Around 8 months ago I took up a job that is high stress compared to what i’m used to. He is in the military, so he has a pretty solid schedule. He’s off everytime when I come home, and when I wake up I go straight to work. So I never feel like I have my alone time. Well for the last 3 weeks we have been having a friend stay with us (500sqft house), it doesn’t bother me too much, as he distracts my boyfriend so it gives me some alone time.

I came from a pretty bad relationship, so I have some sexual trauma and we haven’t been sexually active for a majority of the time since hes been back from deployment. I am going to therapy for that, and we have a very open line of communication regarding that and his needs.

Over the last week or so, my stress levels are high, and I desperately crave a weekend alone, by myself. I love my boyfriend, but I feel like I just need peace and quiet. Today was particularly hard, I let my stress come home with me and I got mad, and took it out on him, then we argued. I don’t often do this, I really don’t get mad often. But I did. It was unfair. I feel like all my emotions are massively pent up.

Which is why I feel like a weekend away would be healthy. But I don’t know if that’s something that shouldn’t be asked for in a relationship. My current boyfriend gives me all the freedoms, which I didn’t have previously, so it’s odd for me. I do feel like he won’t “love” the idea of me being away. So I don’t know if it’s worth another argument.

This weekend is ideal since he has to work 12am-8am on friday, and is busy Saturday. Is it unreasonable to ask for a vacation away? Has anyone else done this for a similar reason?

TLDR: I’ve been in a bad mental state, and want a weekend away from everyone, including my boyfriend. I don’t want him to get upset and I don’t know if that’s a reasonable thing to do.

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