i’ve been seeing someone for a bit over two weeks now. it’s all been going really good and he is actually the most respectful, honest guy i’ve been with. i know it’s heading in the right direction but my brain tells me everything will go wrong after a few weeks of knowing someone. i start to think they are bored or not as excited, or don’t want me anymore.

i have anxious attachment and have never been good at relationships, i sabotage them a lot of the time over minor things and i really need advice today to clear my anxious mind.

so at the beginning of relationships i notice the texting i always super frequent and very cutesy. i find it’s like your in a constant state of smiling and looking at your phone. then after a bit it gets less frequent and is this is when i start to get anxious and sabotage.

the guy i’m seeing now is still very reassuring and sending me sweet messages throughout the day, but now the messages aren’t as much and they are still sweet but he isn’t being as mushy and it is making me sad.

like of course i understand it can’t be the first few date dream state forever but my brain starts telling me this is when he starts losing interest.

he also will do things like say he is going to facetime me but it won’t be for a few hours because he gets distracted doing tasks and other things which is fine because he always ends up facetiming me but in my head i think about how i ever make him wait.

i expressed to him how it makes me feel let down when he says he’ll call but doesn’t for a few hours, it’s just something with. my anxiety that makes me feel like i have to wait or expect a call and if i don’t get one i’m sad. he was really apologetic and said i don’t need to worry about anything and he will be better with it.

idk. i’m scared i’m gunna ruin it all. i have a million other things i’d like to figure out in my brain but obviously that can’t be sorted tonight.

TL;DR overthinking about texting less frequent and not as cutesy as the first couple weeks of dating. is this normal?

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