My girlfriend and I have been dating for 9 months now and it's been amazing, she makes me feel so genuinely safe and happy and feels like a close friend. Recently I've realised that she wants to be with me a lot, and it is completely valid as we both want to. The problem is that I have so much on day to day, and when I see her she will immediately feel sad or neglected when I can't stay longer or have to leave for work or school or musical rehearsals etc. A while ago we had a discussion and she felt like I wasn't putting in enough time for her in the relationship. The only problem is that I was putting in as much as I could, I try and make some time Monday afternoon/night, and Tuesday before work, I'm busy Wednesday, Thursday before work and Friday before work. At the weekends I will usually take her out to lunch or dinner and we spend a Saturday or Sunday together. Even doing this I struggle to find more time to study for school, have a major social life and my parents and siblings feel like they don't see me much and are getting frustrated. There comes a point where I don't know what else I can do. We spoke today and I said, I am capable of doing my stuff and life and still loving her so much and seeing her when I can, and I realise that she struggles to believe I love her unless I'm with her showing her affection and that quality time. And she took it as a reality check and is saying she's asking too much and I don't deserve to be so drained by putting in so much. But now I feel horrible, that's not how I was trying to say it and not what my intention of saying all this was, yes I am a lot busier than she is but it doesn't mean I don't deserve her or feel emotionally drained by what she asks. I love her and want to work things out and figure it out, I just don't know what to do to make us both happy, where I have time for myself and us and she feels like she has more time spent with me and knows my love for her. Advice?

TLDR: Been dating my amazing girlfriend for 9 months. While we both want to see each other a lot, my busy schedule (school, work, rehearsals) leaves her feeling sad and neglected. I make time for dates and weekends, but struggle to balance her need for constant attention with my own needs (study, social life, family). We love each other but don't know how to find a balance that makes us both happy. Looking for advice!

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