We have been together for 6 years married for 4 years and throughout our entire relationship i have told him that looking at half naked girls on instagram, tiktok etc was a boundary for me and then when onlyfans started coming out i told him that that was a big boundary for me. But for the last 4 years its been argument after argument of me finding him looming at girls online and him telling me to stop looking through his stuff. Then within the last year he started up on onlyfans. Now i dont lose my emotions and let him know i know cause he just changes the passwords to his devices. But im starting to not even wanna be around him and hes picking up on that and crying about me going to leave him. He still doesnt know that i know hes watching onlyfans. But i want advice on whether its better to just get over it and probably getting even or just divorcing and losing all my security of a home and money?

TL;DR: thinking of leaving my (22f) husband (27m) after 6 years of telling him watching onlyfans, and half naked girls online is a boundary but he continues to do it.

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