So there is someone that I work with who at first I didn't feel any attraction with , then over time I noticed she would notice little things about me and I thought it was nice and I didn't think anything of it . Until this one interaction I could actually feel the chemistry between us and it was pretty crazy feeling to me . Later on I find out she is taken and there is 0 possibility of us being together . Also now she completely avoids me in the work place and I also keep my space . My question is here is how do I stop attraction towards her ? It really really bothers me because I know she's taken and I would never try to ruin someone else's relationship but I'm just stuck in this loop of thinking about her because I'm so physically attracted to her and I know she felt the same way about me. I just want to stop this way that I feel and truly get over this feeling because it really makes me upset . Maybe it's because I'm single and lonely and I don't find chemistry often so when I do I stick to the fantasy? Regardless I'm just looking for advice to stop this feeling .

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