why do my balls hang lower when i drink more water?

  1. Because water makes pee and pee is stored in the balls, making them weight more.

  2. No clue. Maybe it has to do with the elasticity of the skin when well hydrated. Maybe you just don’t drink enough water normally and this is normal for your body.
    Though if you don’t think so ask a doctor since over drinking water can cause problems too.

  3. Your body temp is high. Making you drink more water and balls descend more because they need more need cooler temperatures.

  4. Hi,

    Your post has been removed because we don’t allow medical advice on this subreddit. In general, medical advice on reddit is discouraged but against most people’s better judgments, there are places on reddit you can go to find medical advice if you’d really like to get yourself killed through stupidity. However, those places are not here nor will we provide you links to where you can find them.

    But for real, go see a doctor please.

    If you have any questions, please [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAskMen).

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