What is something you wished that society understood about about you?

  1. That not wanting a career is ok. That wanting a traditional household with husband and kids is ok. And there is no need to push me to attend a career. I can go to work if needed, but I will never be emotionally invested in it

  2. I’m not nurturing or gentle. Nor do I want to be. Acting like there is something inherently docile and submissive about me will get you hurt intentionally. Nobody has the right to assume shit about ppl based on their genitals.

  3. I do not want to be beautiful. I don’t want makeup or clothes to make me beautiful, I don’t want you to tell me that I am beautiful or that I need something in order to be beautiful. I just want to live.

  4. That a lot of times, the way I react is because I’m just tired of your shit.

  5. That my outward appearance is no indication of my intelligence, income, work ethic, or value as a human being.

  6. Just because I’m black doesn’t mean I’m “strong” I too am delicate, and in need of love and nurturing support.

  7. I’ve been burned so much for being myself a lot as a kid that I now resort to be quiet and observing when I first meet folks I don’t know. Some people assume I’m arrogant or disinterested when in reality, I’m trying to determine what the “correct” conversation response is.

  8. Some of the major outbursts that I had were because of my trigger points.

    It’s really difficult to look at the world clearly when your window to the world has collected so much dust.

  9. It’s okay to be a little upfront with me. I don’t get hints or dancing around topics. Sometimes we just have to communicate straightforwardly.

  10. I don’t put anybody on a pedestal. If I ask your advice or vent to you it’s not because I worship you and think you’re “all-knowing”. You’re a clueless human just like me.

    I’m not better than anyone and nobody is better than me. And I don’t fuck with people who think that having a certain job, or going to a good college or having a partner makes them a certified “valuable human”. This also applies to people who worship celebrities and famous couples. They didn’t do anything special bruh.

  11. There’s nothing wrong, I just don’t like talking unless I have something of value to say

  12. Autism doesn’t limit what I am capable. Don’t start suddenly start talking to me like I’m a moron or doubting my abilities when I out myself to you.

  13. that you don’t need to understand, relate to, or like what I’m choosing to do with my life, you just need to let me be, im not hurting anybody

  14. I have a resting bitch face and usually don’t have an approachable face.
    But I’ll try my very best to help 🙂 only if they make the first move

  15. That sex is not a drive for me. That asexual and demisexual women are real and valid and sexual advances are more dreadful to us

  16. Just because I’m single and child-free, I am not lonely or sad or miserable or sat twiddling my thumbs while I think of something to do with my time. Both were conscious decisions and I am happy with both. I love my life as it is.

  17. I am COMPLETELY aware of my weight and size. You do not need to bring it up.

  18. That I don’t appreciate unasked for comments on my body. If it’s not something undeniably a compliment or something that can’t be fixed in five seconds don’t say it.

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