women of reddit, what was your worst first date experience?

  1. I drove 2 hours to a first date with a guy I met online.

    We’d been texting for a month and he waited until the day of our first date to tell me he’s deaf.

    We had an awkward lunch of writing notes to each other on a notebook he brought. We had zero things in common.

    Afterwards he drove me to his house just to show off his gun collection. Then he took me back to my car so I could drive 2 hours home.

    He tried to kiss me but I didn’t want to lead him on so I pulled away. Later that day he texted to ask if I was a virgin because he thought I was super shy and nervous the whole time, when really I was super uncomfortable.

    I was a dumb 19 year old and he was 25. I felt super taken advantage of and I’ll never forget it.

  2. A guy asked me out once, it was going well, he seemed respectful. The food was good. Then he randomly asked me for anal sex and I was like “ummm… no sir”. Yeah, didnt work out for obvious reasons.

  3. we didn’t even get to the date so idk if this counts. he came to pick me up, gave me a hug, and when we got in his car, i told him i was a little nervous. he then said “i can tell because i touched your butt when i hugged you and you didn’t even notice haha.” and then told me it felt nice as if it i would be flattered. i just got out and went back inside. i was really disappointed because i was genuinely interested in him

  4. Kissed me (with tongue!) right off the bat. Suggested the next date should be at a motel. Then let it slip that he was married and acted surprised that I wasn’t ok with that. Eww.

  5. He did photography on the side while working and doing school part time. While on our date, he drove to the closest convenience store to pick up some items his clients requested for a shoot. He then drove to his clients’ apartment downtown to drop off everything. They were wanting to shoot later that night, guy couldn’t say no since he’s trying to build a career off of his work. Proceeds to ask me if he can just call me an Uber from his clients’ place, when he was the one who drove for the date. It was late night in the city btw.

    The worst part about it all was that I actually messaged him a day or two prior to cancel our date, and he gaslit me until I agreed to go on our date again. Was I fucking stupid for agreeing to it again. Yes LOL.

  6. I’m pretty fortunate to have had no nightmare first dates. My worst first date was a coffee + walk along the river type thing and the guy took my hand as we walked around. He blurted out that he didn’t think women were funny enough to be comedians while we were discussing hobbies/media preferences. It was out of nowhere and super awkward — conversation was fine before that. I also… made him laugh a couple times prior in convo? So yeah kinda fuckin’ weird but I was really turned off after that and pulled my hand away.

    After that he acted super whiny like I was being uptight or something when I was just like “haha that was a strange thing to say wtf”. So his whining killed the mood and I spent the next 20 mins trying to gracefully exit that date. So glad he never texted me after that.

  7. Went to dinner with guy who turned out to be the son of the leader of a huge white supremacist “church” in Idaho (CIM)

    He started a conversation with me that I did not want to have and would not let it go. I asked to be taken home, but instead he took me to an old Howard Johnson’s where he continue to proselytize.

    We lived in the same apartment complex complex, but instead of dropping me at my door, he took me to his. I just walked home.

    I saw him at the pool later. He continued to be shitty.

  8. Tinder guy who asked me out. He didn’t pay for my meal, didn’t have a car so I had to pick him up, didn’t have a job (his parents paid his rent). It was so lame to me. And when the check came, the server asked if it was together or separate, he stared at me until I finally said that we’d split it…so awful.

  9. Recently? He blatantly lied about his height. Like, I don’t care much about height, he said he was 170 cm. Then when we met, we were almost same height. Like I wouldn’t notice he’s closer to 160 cm than 170 cm. Great way to start off by lying.

  10. Mine started out pretty well. He was introduced to me via a friends boyfriend, so I pretty much trusted this guy and felt more comfortable. We had dinner and then I went to take him out for drinks to thank him for dinner.

    That’s where it went downhill.

    Throughout the conversation about his past relationships, I knew he wanted something casual. So he asked me what am I looking for, I told him straight up “not sth casual”. And I asked him back what he was looking for and I poked jokingly “sth casual?”

    He froze and stuttered and he came up with a gibberish of content that basically explains a causal relationship but packaged it as a “serious relationship”. He asked me if I was interested in that, I honestly told him I wasn’t. This is where red flags start piling in:

    He said “if you aren’t interested, why bother dating and meeting up”. And his personality changed by 180. He wasn’t as bubbly and talkative and instead he lost all emotions and didn’t respond to any of my questions or topic starters. So I paid the bill so we can leave, he hugged a goodbye but it was if my presence wasn’t there?

    Next day he tells his friends the date was “rubbery”.

    The last 30mins was a taunting and felt like HOURS. Its scary to see his personality change so much. Made me think if he was fake all along.

  11. Like another redditor, it was an almost date, and happened years ago. He had asked me out to dinner and when he showed up and I asked where we were eating, he divulged that his plan was to pick up takeout and take me to a motel. Like what?!? He tried explaining that it was so we would have privacy to get to know one another. Um, after I spent about five minutes picking apart his rationale and trying, unsuccessfully, to get him to admit he was trying to get me to a motel room because he thought I would have sex with him, I told him that was not a date and I wasn’t interested. Then I turned around, went back in the house and had a good laugh about the ridiculousness of that “date” idea.

  12. im very picky so i havent had too many bad dates but we were at a pool party and all he really did was stare at me but went around telling my friends how hot i was because of my body, kind of ew- but we went inside and were joking around, he got too comfortable and kept trying to put his arm around me and try to kiss me even though i told him i wouldnt kiss him, and whenever i got a text he’d try to grab at my phone

  13. We met at his place. Come to find out his entire family was there. His mom and sister did nothing but yell at each other the entire time, and I met his son, who was 3 at the time. 🙄🤦‍♀️ never went back and stopped talking to him

  14. He brought his 10 month old child (that I didn’t know about) on our date. He then complained about how he doesn’t drink coffee so he won’t drink anything (note: he’s the one who wanted to meet at Starbucks for drinks), so if I wanted something to go buy one myself. He then casually mentions he needs to be home before his ex gets off work, because they LIVE TOGETHER, and she would be mad he went out.

    I’m confused and practically speechless at this point, and decide to make an excuse and leave. I tell him I’m getting a migraine and need to go. Before I can even turn to leave he pulls me in for a tight hug, whispers in my ear how much he wants to f*ck me, then grabs my butt (all while still holding the baby!). And his kid pulled my hair too.

  15. Met a guy on Tinder and agreed to a date weeks later. I got there and he was a Catfish or drugs really messed him up. I sat uncomfortably through the movie, praying he didn’t touch me, and tried to get out of there the minute the movie ended. He was giving off weird vibes. We were supposed to get dinner but I text my sister the code word and she called saying there was a family emergency. I went out the wrong exit and it was an outside dining/smoking area that was fenced in. I said F*** it and jumped the fence. I had to get out of there!

  16. We were going to meet up at a restaurant on like on an old school blind date type thing. We were set up by mutual friends.

    He texts that he wants to get drinks before at the bar across the street. I’m not really a drinker but I was like, sure! I meet him in the bar and he is cute, not really my “type”, but let’s give it a try!

    At the bar he starts off really nice and chill. Then, he starts making these comments that at first I was like, “well, I clearly didn’t hear that correctly.” Stuff like, “You’re cute, not the cutest girl here, but really cute.” (Like, wtf?!”). I’m like, ok, either he can’t hold his alcohol or he is just awkward or something.

    At the restaurant he is super rude to the staff, complains about everything in a really obnoxious sarcastic way: “Oh, good, you’re finally at our table, and it only took you 20 minutes!” He tells them my entree was “way overpriced” and makes this surprised expression when I order. I try desperately to say “sorry” to the staff with my eyes.

    He makes a whispering comment to me about our server’s chest. To me. On our date.

    The conversation turns to an interrogation: “How long we’re you with your last bf? Why did you break up? Have you ever cheated? Do you see a lot of guys?” All the while he’s still saying things like, “Yeah, you are really pretty, but I’ve dated lots of pretty girls.”

    Dinner is over, and I want to go. We are standing outside and he leans in to kiss, so I turn it into an awkward hug. He says, “wow, really?” really loudly, people stare.

    The best part: I am walking to my car and he texts me that he is going to a strip club because I teased him all night. He invites me to come with him. I decline.

  17. I got out of my car and was walking to meet him. As i got nearer i saw him and he didnt look anything like his photos☹️. I really thought about walking past but we had already made eye contact. I spent a few hours with him but i couldnt wait to leave. When i left i drove as fast as i could🤣

  18. Lesson learned (I always learn the hard way :/). I agreed to meet this man 1/2 way for a first date (I felt iffy about it and should have trusted myself). He is supposed to text when he is leaving, the location is closer to him. I am about 20 minutes into my drive and receive a text he is getting ready to leave, I have a bad feeling but keep driving. I get to the location about 10 minutes early. He is now 20 minutes late so I text. His ETA has him 30 minutes late. He picked the time and the location. I.Am.Done. I leave, I send him a text I am leaving and he goes crazy texting me nonstop for hours (I know I should have blocked him). He was actually 50 minutes late!!! He send me a picture of a chair- “This is your chair”, “Please come back”…….

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