Being made redundant after 27 years in the same firm and frankly terrified.

  1. Not in itself but it depends on what skills, qualifications etc you gained when you were there.

  2. No issues with that at all – make sure your experience listed is relevant to the jobs you’re applying for

  3. Not a bad thing. Shows commitment to the company. A C.V with 10 jobs in 2 years would be far worse as employers would think they’d looking for someone else soon.

  4. For a decent prospective employer it shouldn’t matter as long as you can show progression or development.

    I was made redundant after being in the same place for 12 years and one employer was worried I might be “institutionalised”. After I interviewed there it was clearly not a great place to work anyway. I got the feeling they didn’t want anyone really bringing in new ideas or good experience which might upset the apple cart.

  5. Have you had multiple roles over that time, got promoted, etc? While it may come under one master heading, you can have a couple of bullets for each individual role you’ve had over time demonstrating different skills, growing level of responsibility, etc.

    1 job for 27 years certainly doesn’t look bad unless you look like you’ve totally stagnated and spent the whole time with entry-level responsibilities and no professional growth.

  6. It seems idiotic that you would even ask that, You keeping a job for 27 years shows your high levels of commitment and reliability

    If you had 27 jobs in 27 years then that would be a bad thing

  7. If you got promotions then I’d include your different titles and jobs as separate things on your CV. It shows how you’ve developed over the years and not just stuck to an entry level role.

  8. I always like to see internal progression on a CV. Sometimes you see CVs of someone who keeps jumping to better jobs at new companies but it’s hard to tell if they were good at any of them.

  9. Better than having dozens and looking like you can’t stick at anything. My CV only had one job on it too when I was made redundant after 17 years. Now I’m 16 years into my second job. Good luck poppet.

  10. You say the job title is manager. I would expand that to give a small snapshot of the role for example

    Manager – Line Process
    Manager – Warehousing
    Manager – Warehousing, Logistics and Supply

    Then it shows progression, movement and looks great.

    Sincerely wish you well with your job hunt, it must be daunting after so long, you will be great though.

  11. Nah you’re fine. Ambition can manifest in many different ways, it doesn’t necessarily have to mean hopscotching around the City of London on Ritalin

  12. You’ve got a tonne of transferrable skills snd have effectively been a general manager when required. I suggest try a few recruitment agencies like Indeed. I know two guys who did very well with them. Most recent had two interviews lined up within a fortnight and a big jump in salary when offered a job.

  13. I have seen plenty of profiles on Linkdin where people have listed multiple jobs within the same company. Each time you moved dept., got promoted (basically, whenever your day to day job description changed), that was a new role and it doesn’t matter at all that your employer remained the same, you can still put it on you CV as a new position.

  14. It’s not a bad thing at all. Make sure you list out the different roles with achievements for each of the roles and how that benefited the company you worked with.

    The one thing it does show is you have loyalty to a company, people that jump from job to job have the opposite issue, so make the best of the advantages you have.

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