I love golf, but I hate everything “golf apparel” …I can’t say I’ve ever seen another man out on the course NOT dressed in a way that conveys he likes to smell his own farts.

I don’t wanna ruffle any feathers or get kicked out of any clubs, but I do want to maintain some degree of dignity. I’m a working man after all. I have dirty hands and I like punk rock, wrenching on motorcycles, and a good game of golf.

No visors, no polo shirts, no sweaters tied around my hips, no pleated slacks, or worse— those slack shorts with the argyle socks. If these are off the table, what’s left?

  1. >I don’t wanna ruffle any feathers or get kicked out of any clubs

    You should probably just stick to public golf courses. You don’t have to worry about dressing like a respectable person at public courses.

  2. Depends on the golf course. For a public course do whatever as long as youre avoiding sexual or profane clothes. Jeans or athletic shorts and a t-shirt should be fine as long as theyre clean. Dirty hands shouldnt matter

  3. Either find a course that doesn’t care, or deal with it and follow the golf dress code. Part of being an adult is dressing to the environment you are in. You don’t wear a suit to a rock show, just as you wouldn’t wear torn jeans and a leather jacket to the opera. I honestly don’t see what is that bad about a polo and chinos which is perfectly acceptable for the vast majority of golf courses.

  4. Technically the main requirement is a collared shirt. I am sure you can find a comfortable top that is stylish and has a collar. A collared shirt doesn’t have to look like a Karen shirt. It can be stylish. There is a lot of gray area between wearing outdated eighties ” golf attire” and looking like a disaster. Nice shorts are fine. Comfortable shirt that is your style with a collar.

  5. Golf course attire generally means shirts with collars, turtlenecks or mock turtlenecks are acceptable. Non-denim pants or shorts. Shorts should be not too short. Leave the cutoff daisy dukes at home. Some public courses are more lax.

  6. Tech pants and golf shirt of the same material.

    “Pleats”? They went out during the Clinton administration..

    No shorts, unless you’re at a club that’s somewhere tropical.

    You have to learn to fit in, especially at a club. Sorry.

    My friend is also a working man like you- he sells forklifts. Belongs to a very exclusive club. He dresses the part.

  7. Polo and some slacks, simple as that. Though really nobody gives a shit unless you’re going to a prestigious country club, at least if you’re in the US, jeans and a comfortable shirt are fine if you don’t have stains or holes and your clothes fit properly, best way to look like a dildo anywhere you go is by wearing I’ll fitting clothes, you don’t have to go to a tailor just don’t let your pants bag up at your feet and your shirt hang off you wrong

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