It's my first time writing anything, so please forgive me if you can't understand something.

We have been together for 2.5 years. After our first year, she told me that I should talk to my parents about her. We have been physical 2-3 times, and I told her that I was serious about her. At that time, I was in my third year of college, so my parents wouldn't allow me to stay with her. I told her to let me complete my studies first, then I would tell them, but she didn't listen and forced me. I asked for some time until my birthday, July 28. I tried to tell my mom about her, but she didn't respond well and told me to complete my studies first, then do what I want. I told my girlfriend, but she started forcing me again.
She has a male best friend who likes her, but I allowed her to enjoy her life without controlling her. However, after my birthday, she proposed to her best friend without telling me. She started ignoring me during the day when she was at work with him—they are colleagues—and started roaming around with him. She was very nice to me and talked to me well at night, but when she was with her best friend, she would block me. She never told me about it. Sometimes we traveled together in public transport, sharing earbuds and watching reels. I saw a message from her best friend and asked for her phone. She gave it to me, but there was nothing. From July to January, she continued blocking me daily during work hours and unblocking me after reaching home. In January, things seemed to get better; she started talking to me and meeting me again, and I didn't know what happened.
Then she broke up with that guy best friend and started talking with me. She never stopped talking to me, but now she is a different person, always angry at me without any reason over small things. I don't know why, but it's okay if she feels good. Things were getting better, and then in April, she got a message from another boy and started talking to him. Her birthday was coming up, and when I asked her what she wanted, she said, "nothing, but ask your parents about us." I was in my last semester and faced the same issue. She told me a fake story about a marriage proposal from her brother-in-law's friend and claimed her family had no issues with it. She told me the meeting was on April 16, but that day, she went to a hotel (Oyo) with that boy.
I told my mom about her, expressing my desire to spend my life with her. Despite the caste issues, my mom said okay but insisted that I first get a job. My father had a problem with the caste difference but would eventually allow it. I told my girlfriend, and she was happy. However, that afternoon, she was at the hotel with the boy. She told me that the boy only wanted to be physical with her, so she insisted on remaining friends with him and went to the hotel again on April 22. Both times, she paid for the hotel. Eventually, the boy told her he wasn't serious and just wanted to have fun.

At that night, she called me, talking about why people cheat. I told her it's for pleasure. She asked why I didn't cheat if I wasn't getting pleasure from our relationship for over a year. I told her I wanted her love, and we'd have that pleasure after marriage. She hung up and talked with that boy but later called back, saying she was blocking that boy and rejecting the marriage proposal. I doubted her but didn't confront her then. Later, next day I confronted her about the boy, and we fought and She blocked me but unblocked me the next day. When I asked again, she threw her phone, breaking the display. I offered to repair it. She reluctantly agreed, and I managed to take her phone home. And i need to contact with her so she have number in her phone se told me to open and call on that number but than i show the message of that boy so i read all the chats love that i crave for she is giving to some else not me . Than i show the msg for best friend not giving her money back 20k somthing that's more than that but he gave that and this amount is leftover.

We met in the evening, and I confronted her. She admitted to being physical with him once but blamed me for not telling my parents. I cried and told her I'd forget everything if she wanted to be with me. She agree to that and i forget all the things and talking and that was the silent moment and she kissed me i told her not to do that first you think about our relationship than we will do than she told me that now I'm with you and not leaving you again and than we got physical and than on the next day she talked with her guy bestfriend about everything and he also forgive her tell her to stay with him than she told me at evening that all the things so i called her bestfriend and talked about all the things than i found all the truth that she was cheating on both of us but I didn't tell that guy anything that I'm with her doesn't feel her insulting so i told her to choose between both of us than she choose me but than also our relationship us not working since

She's always angry over small things, and we fight often. I love her so much that I can't live without her. I get panic attacks when she's not with me. I have forgiven everything she's done because I only want her love, not sex. I told her about my past relationship, which was similar, and that all I want is love. So, what should I do?

And at last thing she is not getting periods after went with that boy so gave her raw papaya ripe pineapple and other things that is used to get periods than she say what if I don't get periods and my parents will know about that what should i do u still told her that i will tell them that that was mine

TL;DR:My girlfriend (22F) and I (22M) have been together for 2.5 years. Despite promising to tell my parents about her after my studies, she pressured me and ended up having relationships with other guys, including her best friend and a coworker. She lied about a marriage proposal and cheated on me, but eventually admitted some of her actions. Although she chose to stay with me, our relationship is strained with constant fights and her anger issues. I love her deeply and have forgiven her past actions, but I’m unsure what to do next as she continues to affect my mental health.

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