If you had the power to change something in your country, why would you change it and most importantly what would you change?

  1. I would strengthen the regional dialects in the schools and kindergartens. In Northern Germany it’s often too late, culture is irretrievable lost. But in the south, many people still speak their dialects.

  2. The traffic..my barely ‘city’ has perhaps one of the worst traffic infrastructures in Europe. The traffic is unjustifiable for such a small city. City council is absolutely useless

  3. People’s mentality about their surroundings. Our cities are filled with trash and ugly graffiti everywhere.

  4. A country name. Just like Holland went back to using the Netherlands. When I was in Finland among other tourists a guide asked where do you all come from. Some tourists were actually were from Holland and me and a friend from Poland. A tourist guide repeated that she have Dutch in a group and skipped Polish/Poles part. So let’s do it and go back to the names from the past just like for the Netherlands today.

    Lechia – Lehistan name still used in Iran and in some other places. Lechitarum in Latin and Leasir in Old Norse.

    Polonia – used in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

    Sarmatia – a country of Sarmatians from Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth who descended from the ancient Iranic Sarmatians and were using Golden Liberty concept.

  5. Reduce the number of History, Literature, and Grammar lessons, abolish Ethics and Religion classes, and replace them with an increased number of STEM lessons, especially Biology.

    Because education of these subjects have taken a nosedive since the last 25-30 years, and Hungary is full of new age esotericism believers and generally scientifically illiterate people.

    Last year, a meat and milk vendor at the local farmers’ market told me, that someone who bought blood sausage from her went complaining to her that she found a long, sharp tooth in her sausage, and it must be a goat’s tooth. The vendor then explained to her, that that was a tooth of a young pig which she accidentally left in the ground offals, and goats don’t have that type of tooth. The buyer was flabbergasted.

    One of my friends’ 25 year old girlfriend thought that women pee out of their vaginas.

    During the Corona Pandemic, an antivax family ordered bootleg Ivermectin (a medicine against intestinal worms for horses) from China, because they heard somewhere that it kills the virus and that “Ivermectin is a Nobel Prize winning medicine”.

  6. Culturally, not sure. Can’t think of anything that needs to be changed there.

    Politically, some environmental policy. We’re doing great in many areas, but there are some problems, such as a lack of domestic nuclear power and arguably the immense usage of biomass burning.

  7. Rejoin the EU, allow us to freely move to EEA/CH. something young people who never voted for brexit have lost.

  8. Make it significantly less car-brained. Simplify public transport, expand bus networks, reopen dead train stations, and make train travel affordable for all ASAP. Encourage more people to use park + ride schemes.

    There are so many towns/cities here that were built way before cars were invented. Yet as a society we’re so heavily car-brained that you’ll still have people whining about not being able to “drive around York”… as if places like York were meant to be designed to drive in.

    Cars are noisy, polluting, disturbing, and they cause traffic jams. They also worsen climate change and we all pay for it with shit weather.

    The more we tackle the transport issue, the healthier our society and planet will become.

  9. Spain, the weather. And many of you will say “But Spanish weather is great!”, no it isn’t. Continuous drought, big forest fires, 40 degrees in half of the country making impossible to live half of the day lack of water for agriculture or many activities. We need less heat and more rain.

  10. Germany: get rid of data security and privacy angst, put some limitations on federalism – no not every state needs own everything -, digitalisation, no more fax, get rid of 1000s of health insurances, reform healthcare and pension, lower additional costs when buying a house….I got a huge list…

  11. The blatant disrespectfull behaviour lately, eapecially in traffic, but in public places as well. I hear about this from everywhere but I think NL has been hit especially hard with this behaviour.

    When Im driving abroad, yeah sure people speed and such, but they actually take you into consideration. Dutch roads is just pure agression and me-me-me behaviour.

  12. The welfare system. It’s too generous and doesn’t reflect a future where we not longer can live on massive oil and gas revenues.. or tax people massively. Numbers say that 10.5% of people here receive disability benefits, while 1.3 million (1/3 of population ; those that are in “workable-age”) received social benefits.

    If I could I would put/throw every politician that use the word “gratis” (fre; no cost) in jail. Nothing is free, there’s always someone who have to pick up the bill when those others have “flown away”. Normally via taxes (main income for government)

  13. 1)Less politicians, the number we have for such a small country is simply indecent. Six ministers only for health, for example

    2)Better roads, not bad everywhere but it’s the damn war sometimes when you go from one municipality to another

    3)Doing something about education. It has been under the control of communities and it’s kinda going ‘bankrupt’ at least for the French-speaking part. Barely anything changed when broken or old, sometimes no replacement teacher when one is sick…

    4) Strengthening the Sanitary Cordon. It was a fine idea, but folks have been laxist with it nowadays (of course to the pleasure of a whole lot of people)

    5) Increasing the % of working individuals among the population in age of being active, might actually change in the near future

    And many other things overall, but that would be a first

  14. Austria. I would get rid of the local governments of the 9 provinces. Austria has 9 Million inhabitants and there are 9 provinces, some of them with only a few 100k people. But they have their own governor, their own parliament, own laws. Hey, there are bigger cities than the whole of Austria. We would save a lot of money without that parliaments, we can use much better. Governing would be easier (as of course every time there is one governor opposing some new plans) . It made sense 100 years ago, where the travel time from some mountain valley to the capital was really a topic, and so you had faster access to your politicians, but today…. I do earn good money, but my tax for one full year just pays one governor for one month (assistants and car with driver not even included).

  15. We’d stop being a monarchy. The notion that someone has the right to be your head of state, and that certain professionals and incoming citizens must swear allegiance to someone, because that someone was born through a magical vagina is absolutely absurd.

  16. Germany is far too car centric. Our automobile industrie has created some wealth (for a few imo). But its power is still blocking so much – especially the needed transformation of cities towards more friendly and just nicer habitats for humans. Right now iur cities are build for the commuters who like to live in so called rural areas and coomute to the city by car.

    Also Germany has by far the ugliest suburban areas. Offending to the eye houses with stone gardens and eco-unfriendly gardens. Other countries like Italy, UK do not have that to the extend, Germany has (maybe Spain might be similar with ugly urbanisationes).

    In the region, where I live also the rural areas are completely destroyed by farming. Monocultures as far as the eye can see and almost no original nature. Also Italy, UK maybe the farms are not as big.

  17. Surprised there are no Italians here talking about the ridiculous red tape and endless bureaucracy. It’s one of several things keeping Italy from progressing with the rest of Western Europe.

    EDIT: Likewise, a little kindness and courtesy (talking about the northern part of the country) would be nice.

  18. Increase the general publics knowledge about economics, politics and long-term planning/effects. That should help solve quite a lot of things. Not an immediate fix but I am still young, I got time.

  19. 🇬🇷 Everything except the landscapes and the shiny weather. Living in Greece sucks ass!

  20. I would like we get rid of inferiority complex towards other countries.And that political”victim mentality”( it’s moral duty to sacrifice for others/ thinking about your own well being is a sin).

  21. Tax non-earned income the same as earned income. Ridiculous someone can just ‘own’ something and never lift a finger and pay less tax than someone like a nurse.

  22. UK:

    1) make us rejoin the EU for obvious reasons.

    2) Improve the English educational system (I’d change it). This includes university.

    3) Also improve public transport (make cheaper and more affordable at least).

    4) Get rid of First Past the Post and have Proportional Representation

    5) Improve work life balance (as in be more like France where there seems to be a stronger emphasis between work and home. I see the line between work and home being more and more blurred everyday in the UK). It shouldn’t be too much for me to ask for a job where I can work at work then when I get home I don’t have any work to do whatsoever. No me sitting in a café or study room or train trying to do work outside of my working hours and during breaks/holidays like I see plenty of people in the UK do. It’s become normalised to not have a good balance it seems, it’s almost deemed as unrealistic to expect to have a good work-life balance with decent pay from what I’ve seen.

    6) improve cost of living and the NHS.

    France- I don’t know but improve public transport as well I guess, cost of living, less bureaucracy, change the rise of the far right (but I guess this last point would be undemocratic).

    Someone who lives in France probably has more to say however.

    That’s what I can think of so far.

  23. I’d have England be independent and an end to the monarchy as it is and modernise it. We wouldn’t be in the EU we don’t need them enough to go back on ourselves. We have the commonwealth.

  24. Netherlands.

    Remove half of the population. The country is too crowded and people are getting more vocal and rude by the day. Total lack of respect. The country is driven by collective soloism – me me me.

  25. Change it to a socialist 32 county Republic like Connolly wanted for Ireland

    For belgium: get rid of the monarchy as a first step

  26. More pedestrian friendly cities, I was in Edinburgh last week and having to deal with cars, cyclists, buses and trams wasn’t fun.

  27. * **Social Culture.** For fucks sake it shouldn’t be normalized that everyone should die on the inside once they start working due to a lack of spontaneity and just good hangouts.

    * **Talking about impersonal stuff and a general fear of being perceived as “gossipy”.** No, Magdalena and Erik, I’m not interested in your mortgage rates and its relation to the national interest rates, the weather in Liguria, or which Thåström song was on which fucking album, ***tell me about your hypomanic brother in law and how you really feel about him because I’m thirsting for tea!***

    * **Whatever is going on with Swedes navigating even moderate crowds.** I dunno how to describe this, but every time I’ve come back from abroad, or even if I’ve been in a place in Sweden where there’s lots of immigrants and then come back to “majority ethnically Swedish” areas, there’s just something about the way people move around each other on pavements, in buses, in shops, that is just MISSING. People seem – on average – to be slightly r3tarded when it comes to automatically predict where everyone else around them are going. I have no idea what that’s about.

    * **The rapidly growing class society.** I dunno, I feel like this one has gone by so fast during my lifetime. Being rich went from being something that was honestly seen as suspect and “rich” fashion was generally openly ridiculed (anyone remember “schtekare” and how much incessant fun everyone made of Lidingö-Swedish?). Nowadays I see much more snobbery, much more need to show off expensive shit, much more need to point out that you’re academic, that you have such a sophisticated taste etc.

  28. 1. Mandatory drug tests on all politicans 1 random day each week, recent findings these years found that there was traces of cocain and other drugs in all political parties toilets at the Swedish Parliament. Many of the parties sinply negated it and some refused to comment.

    2. Harsher prison sentences, the Swedish prison at the moment is a utter joke, rape and murder dozens of people? Here have a 15 year sentence, get out after 5 years for good behaviour and then be compensated €300,000 because you were apperantly held 1 minute to long in custody.

    3. A crackdown on gang criminality, currently if your caught guilty for being part of organized crime you get a slap on your wrist. Police needs to get less restriction and possibly even military action needs to be taken in the heaviest affected zones.

    An example of the major impact in these affected zones is a heinous crime that happened in broad daylight in Skärholmen, Stockholm, April 2024. A father and his son was walking to take a bath in the local swimminghouse, when they went through a tunnel the father reportdly told of a group of immigrant teens in a disciplanary way for unreported reason (possibly grafiti or smoking), when he did this the teens started shoving him and then one of the teens pulled out a pistol and shot the father straight in the head infront of his son, the teens ran away and the son was left there with his dad dead on the ground. He called his uncle in tears, the uncle called 112 (911) and police arrived 5 minutes later.

  29. I’d abolish the union and the monarchy on the UK. They are both archaic institutions that cause more harm and division than good.

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