My(34F) friend Jean(33F) ghosted and blocked me after a misunderstanding we had in 2022.

A high school friend of mine named Beth(34F) I’ve been trying to reconnect with messaged me saying “Girl btw we need to have a playdate!
I befriended Jean (Tony’s wife) and she's SO great and we have had a blast! You and your little one should come we should schedule something!”

(More Info: Beth mentions Tony because the three of us went to high school together to help me place who Jean is.)

Do I tell Beth that Jean and I had a falling out?

How would it come off if I did tell her?

How would it come off if I didn’t?

I’ve asked my husband and big sister for advice and they have opposing opinions.

Husband says I need to tell Beth so that way I not accidentally ambushing anyone…

Sister says I should not even mention it. Because I would be open to reconciliation with Jean, and I wasn’t the one who blocked or ghosted, and that bringing it up looks bad, and that Jean and Beth may be in cahoots just to see how I respond.

I feel paralyzed and am looking for real advice, real responses, and regardless of how I handle it…how do I word my response?

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