I, 22M am technically sexually active on occasion. However, to be frank, much less so than I probably could be if not for some things about my dick that just make sex awkward and unenjoyable for me, and assumingly also whichever girl I happen to be with on the rare-ish occasion I get laid.


most seem to stem from having a high scrotum, a tight circumcision as well as being a significant grower. (I'm like 2-3 inches flaccid and 6in erect).

When I get hard, my penis skin gets so tight, the skin around the base + scrotum get pulled upwards. This is obviously uncomfortable and weird looking itself, but additionally it also causes my balls to retract back inside of me, and honestly sometimes it feels like it's stopping me from getting fully erect.


  1. many normal sex positions stretch my penis skin so much it hurts, or pops out of like a spring at the back end of a stroke if any downward angle is involved

  2. When my scrotum rides up my shaft it often pushes part of the condom with it, and when I try to put a condom on after, it tends to not adhear very well (nairing my balls has helped this but it's not perfect)

  3. When my balls retract, I pretty much have to stop everything and push them back down so I don't crush them if she's riding or we are doing doggy

  4. Visual stuff, it's annoying seeing the skin at the base of my penis get pulled up to hide the bottom, it's annoying having my hairy ball skin ride up my shaft, its annoying when my balls disappear mid sex and the girl gets scared she injured me or something

Does anyone have any advice for me here? Is there anything I can do to try to fix or deal with this? I've noticed alone being in a hot shower helps a lot, but shower sex comes with its own set of issues…

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