I'm (F24) and my bf (M26) have been together for 5 years now, lately i have been my mums full time carer as she was bed bound at home with terminal lung cancer, my mum passed last month on the 17th of june in hospice which has effected me massively of course right now i am depressed and trying to get through this grief somehow get myself back to feeling as what id say is normal, growing up she was the only one that supported me properly making us very close throughout my life.

I'm out of work at the moment also struggling with sever agraphobia which i feel has only got a little bit worse since my mum has passed, most days i will be at home unless i really need to go out which i am trying to work through whilst also dealing with the grief of my mum.
My bf was very supportive during my mums dying process / funeral / a few weeks after, but i now feel since then he just expects me to get back to normal just like that and tells me ' i need to deal with my depression', and he hasn't even asked me if im okay since the weeks of her passing or anything like that it's all just negativity towards me to ' get better
' which of course i wanna get better but i feel the way he is handling it is wrong.

we live together and he will come in from work & scream at me if i have not done certain things around the house like tidy it to be spotless and call me lazy from just being at home, he said also he would rather deal with health issues and get to stay at home rather than having to go out to work, which i thought this comment was pretty disgusting tbh, he will call / text his mum and talk negatively about me to her also and she inputs what she thinks on the situation when frankly it's nothing to really do with her or him how i deal with my grief.

What im asking here is if i am in the wrong for needing more time with grieving or if he is being harsh to this situation, he has never delbt with death or a situation in his life like this so im assuming he just doesn't understand.

if things do continue this way i feel i will need to walk away which part of me doesn't want to do as at times he is really there for me but how he is handing how i feel now makes me feel.

TL;DR; Mum just passed and bf is moaning at me constantly

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