Hi there, my brother has ADHD he was diagnosed as a child and took ritalin many years. I struggled in school my while life. I just didnt understand anything the teavher was sayimg and unfortunatly i copied others homework amd tests just to pass. Ive struggled with anxiety since i was a little kid and my teachers were always calling me out for not focusing, movimg around, callimg out and my desk was overflowing with papers etc same at home clothes all ocer the floor forgetting qhere i put things starting a new hobby then loosing interest. My while life i have felt not good enough. All my friemds have amazing carrers and high paying jobs they all wemt to univesity etc. I couldnt even sit threw a full class in high school withput having to get up and roam the hslls bug othwr kids in their classes go outside etc

A few years ago i was at my family dr for an unrelated issue and she brought up ADHD and sent me to get tested. Sure enough i was diagnosed with it a lot makes sense now about my way of thinking etc. My question tho is as follows…. now as an adult everywhere i go a woman is tellimg me they have ADHD or think they do. I have 3 coworkers all female who say they have it and when i mentioned to 2 friends of mine the diagnosis they said oh i have that too the other one said oh i should get tested i think i have that. Im just wondering maybe everybody has ADHD??? And just some people are able to cope or manage betyer than others?? When i go on social media i see mamy influemcers saying they have it of all ages some young some older women. I really wonder if we are all on this spectrum? What are your thoughts???

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