What great memory or experience have you had with your S/O that will you never forget?

  1. Our first trip to amsterdam. We used my tiny toyota, packed one suitcase into the trunk and his fishing equipment on to the backseat. We went fishing everyday, not catching anything until the last day at 1 am on a Dock in the dead center of amsterdam. The experience standing on a huge empty, windy dock between all of those Tall buildings and the very lively city was something else. It was worth the horrendous parking fee we has to pay later that night.

  2. our second hangout right before we officially became a couple.

    we met up at a hotel he was staying in with our friend and while friend went to go do his thing, my SO (then just best friend) and i went to go eat dinner, we had mexican food. afterwards, he had asked me if i wanted to stay in the hotel with them, and asked if i minded sharing a bed with him cause the friend had the other bed lol. i said i didn’t mind so we went to walmart to get me some stuff as i was 2 hours away from home and didn’t expect to stay there. after that, we went to a park and climbed one of those rocket things with stairs and went to the top, looking at the downtown skyline at night. took in the view, then we headed to a liquor store to buy some alcohol so we could drink together and once we got that, we went back to the hotel, kicked back, i showered, then we had some drinks. that ended up with us confessing our feelings to one another, about an hour later we ordered food to be door dashed. we went outside the hotel to wait for it and it was taking forever, so we just sat there talking and having fun. he then asked me out and i said yes. and after we ate again, friend came back and we laid in our beds watching tv til we slept.

    after that, i spent the next day with him and slept over at his house 🙂 we’ve spent almost every weekend together since then (except for 3 at one point because our vacations were very weirdly timed) and it’s been so good. i’m moving in with him in a few months.

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