We have been together for just over a year and I cannot move near him due to finances as I’m completing a doctorate in a different city. I may have to move home with parents also so we will be 140 miles apart which isn’t too long (4 and a half hours by bus). We have met one another’s families (he is from a different country) multiple times and we have gone on holiday together and planned a future with one another. I love him dearly.

The problem is the course is very intense and I will not have time to travel to see him every week. I feel upset as we currently live 15 minutes apart and the thought of going months without seeing each other is intense to me. We see each other currently on the weekend and through the week and haven’t tried long distance before. He wants to move because he wants to try living in a different city and I do not want to hold him back from this. He feels there won’t be an issue but I’m scared we will miss one another a lot.

Has anyone done this? If so how did it go? My course is not forever and at most it will take me another four years and minimum two years.

TLDR my boyfriend and I have been together for just over a year and he wants to move cities to try it out a new city. I’m committed to finishing my PhD in a different city and may have to move home at some point which will put us a 4 and a half hour bus journey apart. My course is intense so I will not be able to see him every week and maybe once a month at points. My course will be a max of four years and a min of two so this won’t be forever. I have never tried LD and I’m scared.

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