I LOVE feeling hydrated but I also hate being sticky and waiting for creams to dry before wearing clothes after a shower! How often do you all moisturize your body?

  1. After every shower. I basically do all of the after shower routine naked (face wash, lotion, brush teeth, deodorant etc) and it’s usually all dry by the time I’m finished and ready to get dressed.

  2. Every morning right after my shower it’s body oil and lotion. I put it on my arms and hands through out the day too. I live in a primarily dry climate so I have to keep up to avoid dry skin issues.

  3. Every time I shower. I live in a dry climate so nothing feels especially sticky.

  4. It’s twice a day for me. I live a a very dry climate and usually shower in the morning and before bed. If I don’t moisturize right after I get dry and itchy. I use a lighter, quick absorbing lotion when it’s more humid.

  5. After every shower and then I have lizard time and lay on my bed until I’m not sticky.

  6. Almost after every shower. I always do my feet before bed though, the feeling of dry skin snagging on the bedding is my sensory hell

  7. A couple of times a week during the winter, and barely at all during the summer unless I get sunburned. I live in a humid environment and I’d rather feel dry than feel sticky all day.

  8. After every shower since I was in high school. I have eczema + dermatographia (skin writing!) so when I get itchy it compounds on itself

  9. After I take a shower in the morning and throughout the day as needed. In the morning I double up with baby oil and EOS lotion, so I don’t have to use lotion often during the day. Mainly on my hands.

  10. Eh, I’ll do it if I feel like being fancy or if my skin is really dry and tight.

    I won’t do it if I’m lazy, I’m sweating like crazy due to hot weather, or the thought of cat hair layered on top of lotion gives me the heebie-jeebies.

  11. Pretty much just after I shave, unless my skin just needs it or if I’m healing a tattoo.

  12. After every shower. It’s very dry where I live and if I didn’t use lotion after I showered I’d be ashy.

  13. I hate the feeling like it makes me want to crawl out of my skin. So my husband is sweet enough to put lotion on my legs after my showers lol I use cerave in the tub and it absorbs into my skin fairly quickly

  14. After every shower. I sandwich it between my face skincare routine (like after the first step). I give about a minute between each step in my skincare routine and then by the time I finish that my skin is dry enough that it doesn’t feel gross to put clothes on.

  15. Everytime I shave. On my hands in the morning and night and most times I wash my hands.

  16. I apply lotion after every shower! I have darker skin and it helps keep my skin moisturized often

  17. In the winter, every day and sometimes twice a day or my skin will flake off like crazy. In the summer, maybe once a week or if I notice my skin is rough.

  18. Regularly, almost every day after a shower. I find if you slowly apply it (don’t put too much product in your hands initially) it makes the drying process almost unnoticeable. Some products take longer to dry than others.

  19. Whole body a few times a week. I do hands, elbows, face, neck and chest more frequently though. I have “normal” skin and don’t need to do it everyday.

  20. It feels like a chore to me… but I’m doing better. Maybe like 2-3x a week.

  21. Daily. I usually put on hand lotion several times a day. I live in the desert though.

  22. I do it rarely, just because I’m lazy, usually when I feel like my skin is dry, usually in winter or to make my skin glow for a date or an important event, then I mix the lotion with the bronzer.

  23. My legs after shaving and my hands at least morning and evening. Rarely anything else. My skin runs oily and I live in a humid place so I almost always look and feel hydrated and soft without it and lotion tends to just sit on my skin.

  24. every night after i’ve showered , i put body oil in my intense repair lotion bottle , shake it up after my shower and moisturize . i do NOT like the process i actually hate it intensely but i know it’s good for my skin and eczema

  25. Only if I’m extremely dry. I also don’t like the feeling… Don’t like how it feels on damp/freshly dry skin and I don’t like waiting for it to dry, and I don’t like how clothes kinda stick. I try to use “moisturizing” body washes…. I don’t know if it makes a difference or not. 😅

  26. In the winter after every shower. In the summer legit never sorry but I can’t stand that feeling + the heat. That’s fucked

  27. After every shower and if I feel dry in the morning. Try experimenting with different types of creams or body butters until you find a consistency you like. There are ones that are more liquidy or others that are solid or thicker.

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