I was with a guy for two years (situationship) and everytime we would have sex he’d never cum. In one night we could have sex like 5-6 times normally but he woudl never come. I asked him why and he said he had a fear of getting me pregnant which at first I might’ve understood.

But we had sex almost every month for two years and not once did he cum. I don’t understand. It’s not like he didn’t enjoy it because he did, or else he wouldn’t have kept coming back and we wouldn’t have had sex 5-6 times per night. But I don’t understand why he would never cum. Not during sex, not if I gave him and blowjob or a handjob, nothing. I don’t understand what the problem was. I would ask him to cum (not inside me, but in my mouth)but he was incapable. I asked some guy friends and they told me it’s not normal that he’d never cum. Not even once. Is this normal?

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