I went to a small festival yesterday to see two rock bands play live. The music was absolutely fire. After the show, I went to check out the merch stand for the opening band, and we got to talking. The drummer invited me to hang out backstage, so I did, and it was a lot of fun.

Fast forward to the band heading out of the backstage area. I'm also grabbing my stuff and getting ready to walk home, when the drummer, who I did think was cute and who I'd been talking with for a while, suggested he and I go over to my place. It should be said that we were a little tipsy (not drunk). I agreed, and we went over, and spent a nice night talking and cuddling, and kissing (not a one-night stand, no nsfw stuff going on, just wholesome). I had a great time.

In the morning, we were both exhausted from talking all night and the show, and also sober. His bandmate's girlfriend ended up driving over to pick him up on their way to the closest city (I live in the middle of nowhere in Norway). We said goodbye and he gave me a hug and asked for my instagram, which I gave him.

The unfortunate part is I realized how happy I had been while he was there and that I actually got kind of sad that he left. I haven't felt butterflies like this in a fair amount of time. I texted him to say thank you for inviting me backstage, and also for the night. He did answer, saying he had fun backstage and that he was glad he asked to come home with me and that it was nice.

The thing is, he seemed a bit less excited this morning, maybe because he was tired. I do worry about the fact that maybe he felt differently about me once sober. I also don't really want to be pushy and text him in case he doesn't feel anything. How should I go forward?


  • was at a concert
  • invited backstage with opening band
  • hit it off with the drummer and ended up going to my place with him
  • wholesome night (no nsfw stuff)
  • I have a bit of a crush on him
  • does he feel the same?

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