Hello. I'm asking this because I have been advised to not sex until marriage and I agree

  1. Sex isn’t just penetration, FWIW. Sex also includes oral, mutual masturbation and anything in-between.

    Sex also includes solo sex, masturbation. Are you avoiding these as well?

    The way you abstain from it (assuming it is penetration) is by finding a partner who is on the same goals for sex as you.

  2. Just tell your partner that sex is off the table for now and see how creative you can get with other forms of intimacy. Who knows, you might end up finding new ways to connect that you never thought of before. Plus, it will make the wait that much more satisfying. Good luck!

  3. Honestly just don’t. Waiting for marriage is a bad idea. You won’t know what you’re going into, miss out on the honeymoon phase sex, a lot of experience and fun time, all in the name of some very questionable ideology.

  4. So part of this depends on how you’re defining sex.

    If you’re defining it as just penetration well then there’s plenty of other intimate things you can do. Ie hand play, oral, etc.

    However usually when people say wait till marriage they’re including any and all sexual acts.

    If you’re more in that boat then well you’re basically left with things like cuddling/hugging and kissing. Note that umm, those things will get very sexually charged over time bc both of you will want to have sex the longer it goes haha.

    I personally think waiting till marriage isn’t necessary and I say this as someone who previously thought they would wait. However. Not here to debate your reasoning.

  5. Intimacy is much more than sex. A massage can be intimate. Or looking into each other’s eyes. Or doing something fun together.

    Personally I don’t believe that avoiding sex until marriage is a good idea (and I’m not saying this to convince you of anything, I’m just concerned about the oppression that organized religions employ) , but if you’re determined to do that, just find a partner who is on the same page.

  6. You can do thinks. Just no direct penetration, or sucking etc. mostly teasing. Will take some self-control to not get lost in the moment though

  7. Wait until marriage is by far the easiest and fastest way to ruin a relationship. Good luck!

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