This was my previous post: [\_a\_guy\_ive\_had\_a\_male\_profile\_on\_tinder\_mine/](

  1. (1/2) First of all, there is something important I didn’t reveal before because when I tried to include it, my post got rejected by Reddit (maybe some of the terms were too explicit), but I actually met some guys though the female profile(s).

    Before you all freak out, let me develop: the girls were actually real, and I actually met them in real life, and then we would do 3somes. For instance: I would meet a girl in real life, we would get along well, I’d propose to do a male-female-male threesome, she would accept, we would open a female Tinder profile (because Tinder bans couples’ profiles), and we would meet some guys in real life. I’ve done this with different girls, through different profiles, in different cities in the world, so yeah, I actually met guys through female profiles and I have seen how all the process takes place. Now, some extra info and thoughts:

    i) Some people have mentioned that everything depends on where you live, the bigger the city, the more chances to have a date. I fully agree on that, and I’d like to disclose where I’ve been living in the past 1.5 years: Belgium, between Leuven and Brussels. I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but according to Credit Suisse (2021), Belgium is the 2th richest country in the world by median wealth per adult, meaning that here, in general, all the Belgians have money, especially in cities like Leuven, where there are almost no immigrants, everybody is white, everybody have at least a master or a phd, there are literally 0 fat people, everybody works out, and the “street people” are literally skating on Tommy Hilfiger shirts. Even though I always did very well in my home country, and there I would be considered probably 8/10, 9/10, or even 10/10 by some people, in Belgium I think I’d be considered as a 3/10 or 4/10, given those standards. And yes, I took screenshots of the straight guys that were on Tinder (they’re the ones who liked my female profile) and these are the results:

    [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](

    As you can see, I just screenshoted the guys who liked the profile, I didn’t even choose the most attractive ones or something; those are just average guys here, and everybody is at least 6’1, everybody has a six pack, everybody is somehow wealthy, everybody has at least a masters’, etc. So, of course you just cannot compete against these guys (unless you’re like them, or better).After I saw these guys, I of course understood why I had 0 likes from girls per day on my real male profile.

    2) I’ve read many girls talking about how irrelevant is to have many likes/matches, because quality is usually very low. In my case (my male profile), I might have 0 likes from girls per day, that’s true, but I have 300-400 likes from men every week in Europe and around 600-1,000 likes from men every week in South America, meaning that, when it comes to popularity on Tinder, I, as a bisexual guy, perform as good as a straight girl (maybe as a 4/10 straight girl, a little above average, but you get my point).

    Having said that, I fully disagree on the “low quality” argument from females. I of course know that, among the 300-400 guys liking my profile per week in Europe, I only find attractive 60-80 (guys that I’d consider from 7/10 to 10/10), so I like them back and we have a match. Among those 60-80 guys, I can find online chemistry and share interests with half of them, so I end up with 30-40 guys, and even if I get pickier, let’s say that I got bored in the middle of the conversation with another half of them, ok, I end up with 15-20, and well, even if some of them aren’t available to date that week, I’ll do another 50% cut, and I end up with 7.5-10. That’s 8 to 10 different guys PER WEEK. I could date 32-40 guys per month that are from 7/10 to 10/10, all extremely well educated (best universities in the world), all with great bodies, all with money, all willing to have a date or have sex whenever I want to, and all willing to pay 50/50 for everything (or even invite me?). But of course, you can only pick the “highest quality people” when you have different options.

    How would my Tinder dating life be if I was only straight? I actually just gave a look to my current Tinder profile (male) and I have 2 female matches: 1 obese non-European girl (2/10), and 1 older short-haired European girl (2/10). I have no more female options, and that’s how thing go for many MANY straight guys, so no, it’s not that we have 5 matches in our lifetime but those are the most virtuous women ever, no: they will probably be 2/10 or 3/10, so we will not end up dating them, or, it will happen but many guys, after not having sex for a year, will only try to look for sex, since they weren’t even attracted to the girls on the first time, but they didn’t have any other option (I know this is not a politically correct thing to say, and is not even my case because I do have many 10/10 options with guys, but this is what the vast majority of straight guys go through).


  2. Note to self: never move to Belgium

    On a more serious note: there is an interesting observation/theory on gender ratios and education level. Since in the US (and probably most developed coutries, i have no idea about Belgium), women achieve the majority of degrees, there is a stark imbalance of college educated men to women. Since women rarely consider men with lower education as a serious partner, this creates a market where men with an education that is equal or higher to that of a college educate woman are a scarce commodity.

    This creates a dating environment, where educated men have the upper hand for serious relationships and have (increasing with age as the disproportion becomes more severe with low pool size) women fighting over them. Since men don’t have a need to settle down early, they can just enjoy dating women without marrying them. Also, they don’t need to fear competition with other men and have less incentive to improve their market value (physical attractiveness, catering to women’s wants). It’s a bad dating pool for educated women looking to get married.

    What if this area in Belgium actually had a surplus of educated, tall, rich men and the dating market dynamics turned upside down? Suddenly, women with an equal attractiveness/desirabilty to a tall, rich, educated men are the scarce resource? Men now are in competition and need to get ripped, dressed well, courting the women.

    Your sample of men you matched with is amazing. I can only assume that intra-gender competition (as well as a lot of free time and resources) can drive men to this level of attractiveness. After all, we do just the minimum required to achieve our goals usually.

    Takeaway: as a single (or even in a relationship) you need to consider what the dating market dynamics are like in a potential location that you want to move to, because intra-gender competition might be brutal and gender ratios might be not in your favor.

  3. There is too much to read through but I am curious how you decided what pics to use for the fake female profile. Did you try to use a grading system (1-10) and selected the female pics that was numerically similar to the male ones? For example, guy that you considered a 7 and then a female considered a 7?

  4. Men are hornier and more desperate than women, who have to be more selective and careful because most men are horny and desperate. Aka the way its worked since forever, what else is new

  5. I wish we could collectively acknowledge this as an increasingly serious issue, but I’m not naive enough to think thats happening anytime soon.

    Imagine you’re a guy coming of age and you give those apps a shot because thats what everyone else is doing. Imagine going weeks (if not longer) with not one single match despite swiping every day. Imagine what that would do to someone’s psyche. You can’t tell me any guy or girl would come away from that not feeling terrible about themselves. I feel very sorry for the younger generations because a large portion of them are going to have an absolutely brutal experience.

    I started using apps in my mid to late 20s, and that experience deeply affected me. It’s scary think how much worse it would have felt if I was dealing with that as a teenager instead.

    But I’m sure someone will reply to this with “it’s not our fault they can’t get laid” or some other disgusting un-empathetic comment because thats what happens every time here. Anything other than discussing the real issue, which is that many young men are dealing with a troubling level of loneliness in this dating app era.

  6. When men start posting about how they have TERRIBLE ODDS and dating is VERY UNFAIR and women have it MUCH EASIER ^(in some ways) and women have ALL THE POWER in relationships and WOMEN HAVE UNREALISTIC BEAUTY STANDARDS FOR MEN and so on … I check their comment history. A lot of the time their comment history screams “male resentment.” Like, lots and lots of anger at women.

    If I was a woman and I got a whiff of that on a date, I would set off a fucking smoke bomb and escape through a fire exit.

  7. I did really good on the dating apps met lots of women got girlfriends from the apps and overall had a positive experience with that said I think most men are better off not using dating apps.

    I’ve met plentiful of outwardly attractive men that think they’re the ugliest person alive and have seen their confidence destroyed in real life social settings because they have a false image of their self worth by using the apps a few months.

    I think most men should never create an account because it will cause self esteem issues that will seep into real life situations. It’s completely damaging an entire generation of men.

    It’s damaging for women to because every women is matching with the top 10 percent of men in the looks department and some men with unlimited options won’t settle and just have a plethora of unending women to have sex with and women are becoming jaded about men thinking all they want is sex which isn’t true at all either they’re just matching with men with unlimited options

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