has there been an uptick in shootings or an uptick in reported shootings?

  1. Reported.

    I am convinced the US is no more violent
    now than it was at any time in the past

  2. Given what just happened I was wondering if there would be a shooting related question.

  3. There’s been an uptick in homicides involving firearms from 2020-2021 but the overall trend is that it’s been decreasing for the past three decades.

    My source for this is the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report.

  4. And mfs still using a piece of paper that was written in the 1700s as a justification for this 😂😂 the founding fathers was dueling with muskets n shit not AR 15s

  5. There is been a record amount of new firearms sold. Imagine in just a handful of years like 100 million more guns in civilian hands.

    We will likely see increases for a while…

    2020 had a big jump… there’s a lot of pandemic craziness happening.

  6. Compared to 1854, both.

    Compared to 1992, more reports.

    People don’t seem to understand or don’t want to admit that gun violence has been steadily decreasing nationally year over year for like 30 years. I think it is down like 54% from 1991 or something. I would have to look up the polling.

    Mass shootings are I believe somewhat more frequent which is what gets all the attention. The total random violence is down though.

  7. I should clarify my question for those who don’t see my other replies:

    I strictly mean very recent, looking back through the last 12 months.

    Shootings happen. Shootings go unreported. I have just noticed these last 2 weeks more reports of shootings than I have in any other even 1 month span from the last 12 months.

    Just wondering what the general opinion is here, if this frequency is normal, or just news agencies are hopping on the stories at a fairly convenient time

  8. 14 elementary school students murdered in Texas. What would make America change its gun laws?

  9. As this is most likely related to a breaking news site and this information is easily accessible, I am removing this post.

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