A bit of background about me – i come from a wealthy Arab royal family but moved to the united states for college. I’ve been here for a year now and have found it so hard to form genuine relationships.

The two relationships i have been in only lasted a few months and all ended for similar reasons – they seemed more interested in my money than in me as a person. The first few weeks would go well but then their interest shifts to luxuries and gifts. They’d start bringing up expensive trips overseas, designer clothes, high end restaurants. It was subtle at first, but these started to take over our simple conversations. When i tried suggesting simpler, more meaningful activities, their enthusiasm would noticeably disappear.

It got to the point where i felt like i was being pressured to fund a lifestyle rather than building a relationship. I felt incredible uncomfortable and used, leading me to reach very low points in my life.

I now find myself constantly questioning ppls intentions when it comes to dating. It is exhausting.

Back home, arranged marriages are common, and my family has started suggesting potential matches. I understand the cultural importance and benefits of such marriages, but im not sure if that’s how i truly want to meet my significant other. I desire mutual love and respect but my experiences so far have made me doubt whether this is possible for someone in my position.

TL;DR I’m 20M from a wealthy royal Arab family and moved to the US for college. 2 relationships have failed with 20F bc i was being used for my wealth. Is arranged marriage my only option?

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