I would really like some advice on how to proceed with a man I’m currently seeing.

Our story is that we met on Tinder in early January. We snapchatted a lot, finally met in person in mid Febuary and we hooked up for the first time in March. Things have been going very slow, which is how I would prefer it. We are not officially a couple, but I have asked him if we are serious with each other and he said that he feels like we are pretty serious at this point.

The problem I have with our situation, is that we barely see each other in person, as we are both very busy people; he works in tech and works 07-17 (sometimes to 18 or 19) and he is also a referee in football (or soccer), while I am a fulltime student on a different island (our country is an archipelago in the Adlantic Ocean) learning to be a healthcare worker and I also work every other weekend. Suffice to say we are both busy and our schedules do not always align.

But that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try to meet up if we’re serious with each other and that is where the problem lies; it is always me who asks him if he wants to meet up or do something the coming weekend, never him. He doesn’t even offer a different time when he might be available, it’s always “friday I have two matches, saturday and sunday I have one” or he has some family visiting or some event to go to.

I have no problem with family visiting him or him visiting family, or him going to some event. I would never say that he can’t go do those things and should rather spend time with me, but it’s starting to make me feel like he doesn’t actually want to spend time me.

And then there is also what we do when we are together; because we can really only see each other in the weekend and he usually has stuff going on in the day, we can really only meet late in the evening when everything is closed, so we just kind of hang out at his place and watch Netflix and eventually just hook up and go to sleep.

To briefly summarise our situation; we see each other like 2-3 times a month and we honestly just hang out at his place and end the night with us hooking up.

I really like this guy, but his behaviour giving me the impression that he doesn’t actually want to get into a serious relationship with me, as he seems to never wants to meet up and truly go out and do things that couples do, like go to restaurants, cinema or to events with me (we have been to a café and the cinema on two seperate occasions, but that is it).

I’ve told my sister about my sitation, and she says that I should consider stopping to see him as it’s obviously giving me heartache and “if he wanted to, he would”.

What should I do?

1 comment
  1. In essence this sounds like a situation I was recently in with a guy. He acted sweet and like there was something between us but then it always ended up being exactly the same – we’d meet up, maybe eat and watch some tv, chat, hook up and that was it. This went on for quite a long time till I asked him outright about us and he gave me a bunch of excuses as to why he couldn’t fully commit. It’s tiring being with someone who isn’t 100% in it.

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