What secret wish do you have ?

  1. I wish a was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl and a cellphone so I could call her.

  2. I wish making friends was as easy as it was back then. How the heck do you make friends in your 20s?!

  3. I wish I was never circumcised. I wish it was illegal to do that to children.

  4. I wish life wasn’t so boring. I wish we didn’t live in this normal, pedestrian world, and instead there were people with powers, people with magic, that kinda thing. I wish I lived in a world that was something *more* than this one

  5. For actual friends. I mean like lifetime forever friends that will cry with you, celebrate with you and kick you in the balls while laughing at you. Like the real life buds in that movie “Tag”. Those deep relationships are hard, even as an adult. I grew up a military kid, so I learned to make friends fast and how to say goodbye when we had to change bases. I went to 4 different High Schools in 2 different states. Sometimes a mive was only 50 miles, but its a whole different planet when youre 15 and cant drive.

  6. I wish I wasn’t so lazy sometimes.

    Sometimes I gotta bully my self into doing shit I have to do.

  7. For the longest time I wanted to kill myself.
    Then I found my present wife. I won 50/50 custody of my kids.

    Straightened out my life. Went back to school to get an advanced degree that pays north of 500k.

    But I got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

    Now I want to live but chances are I won’t. So my secret wish is to beat this scourge of bad disease and survive for a few decades.

  8. I wish I could change into a woman for a day or a week. Just to experience life on the other side.

  9. Happy life in the first world with financial stability, and someone to hug every night

  10. I wish my right hip would move forward be as loose as my left. That would mean balance which would in turn mean speed and no longer a gimpy gait.

  11. I wish I could get tattooed from head to toe and still get hired by respectable companies

  12. I wish i could go back in time and change a few things… dont need to be rich or anything… but just change some life choices.

  13. To have a perfect life: married to my soulmate and have a couple of kids and our own house, to be happy and content with pleasing my wife and her pleasing me

  14. I wish I had a sailboat that I would wake up on everyday off the coast of almalfi Italy. Wake up wearing my button down shirt with my chest hairs poking out as my gold Cuban link chain gleams in the sunlight. I’ll be wearing a fedora of course, drinking lemon cello. I look over at my hot wife in her sundress blowing in the wind with that cute sun hat that she wears. She smiles at me. We made it.

    We can hear the sounds of our childrens laughter playing. We don’t have a fucking care in the world and certainly don’t have to go to work because we just sail up to whatever spot we want and chill and eat bruschetta.

    Too specific? Lol

  15. I wish the world wasn’t the hyper-commercial machine it was.

    Every opportunity to attain some degree of ‘freedom’ to pursue a life that you want seems to be diminishing year on year.

    The concept of home ownership is on its last legs for most people who aren’t already on the market. The proportion of people paying increasing year on year rent until they die is only going in one direction.

    Fertility rates are plummeting year on year because the majority of individuals can’t afford the time or money to raise children. Yet governments across the world complain about labour shortages.

    Even retirement is likely only a decade or two away from being scrapped entirely just to plug that labour shortage gap.

    It seems like everyone is scrambling over each other more so than ever just to get rich to delude themselves into thinking they have more liberties than they actually do.

  16. I wish there would be no child abused tortured or raped in this world. That’s it

  17. Today, I wish I had never met my ex-gf and wasted seven years with her for it all be for nothing

  18. I wish i didnt have anxiety, and could be a little more extroverted.

    I have worked hard at it. 10 years ago i couldn’t go outside without having a panic attack.

    Now adays i go out and the people i interact with generally seem to like me but i feel like i can never escelate any kind of relationship outside the initial context where i meet people.

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