I (F27) had planned on moving in with my boyfriend (M27) in a couple months. We’ve been together almost a year and a half and I’m confident in our relationship.

I would be moving into his 1 bedroom condo. I’ve lived on my own for 7 years in a decently big apartment so I’m used to having space and of course something of my own where I can escape to if I’m not feeling myself or in a mood.

As we get closer to having to put my notice in for moving out of my current apartment I’m having a lot of anxiety about it and if I’m making the right choice.

I’m really scared about being so close together in a small place, I’m nervous about a change in routine and sad about leaving my place behind because I love it. All of my things will be going into a storage unit because there is no room to put anything in the condo so I’m also really sad about leaving everything behind.

I’m worried that I will need to force myself to make the decision to move in with him because I don’t think I’ll naturally be 100% on board because I’ve been independent for so long and am perfectly content with it.

Any advice on this? Has anyone had the same situation/feeling? I’m feeling lost on what to do.

TL;DR – I’ve been living on my own for so long I’m having a hard time coming to terms with making a decision about moving in with my boyfriend. Any advice?

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