I live in an apartment complex. And my car is not the cleanest on the outside right now. Sometimes it's very hard to parallel park for me and I don't have a designated spot I have to just park wherever is available because I didn't pay extra for the spot. So about a week ago somebody put in writing with the dirt on my back windshield "learn how to park." I have tried to improve it since then but then this morning I woke up to another note inscribed on my back windshield using the dust. I couldn't really make it out as it had faded but I could see that somebody had definitely written something about "if you don't park right "and then something about "get a tan " ( I have pale skin).

This makes me pretty angry that they seem kind of increasingly hostile and are making personal comments about my appearance now when that has nothing to do with the situation and honestly my parking has improved as I have definitely been more cognizant of how I park. I am thinking of leaving a note on my own car that I wrote overnight til morning when I leave that is a pretty nasty note basically saying ' do not touch my property with your dirty hands that have probably been touching your boogers and" Don't Go near my vehicle and learn how to maneuver and drive yourself karma will find you or I will." Do you think that's too extreme? It makes me angry that they are writing these notes I don't even know who they are. In this situation what would you do?

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