Am I wrong for feeling upset or hurt about this?

My husbands family is a different background than me. We have a family event coming up and he told me we will be wearing their traditional cultural clothing for it. I have no issues at all about this (I’m actually excited) as it is a first. His mother, sister, and sister in law are all going to buy their outfits together and never invited me. His mother told me (through his sister) that if I am going to call and make an appointment. I’m hurt I never got invited. I am always left out and the “black sheep” and I’m starting to think it’s because I’m the only one who’s not the same ethnicity as them. I told my husband I am hurt by it. If the situation was the other way around and my husband was being treated this way by family, I’d be the first to say something. When I told him about it he stayed silent. I’m about to not even go and fake being sick because I’m tired of feeling this way and I feel my feelings are valid. Because this is my first time shopping for these specific outfits I don’t really know what’s appropriate and it would be nice to have someone there for me for guidance.

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