I have started going to the office, and I'm realising I don't have social skills, I've been very ignorant of my behaviour and how it affects others.

I realised I've been upsetting people, without even knowing I'm doing upsetting behaviours. A senior of mine just let me know I need to learn to act better in social situations. He didn't say anything specific but I'm recalling some things, once I just said "why do you speak so much" to someone and the whole room got shut. Another time, a senior of mine was explaining something and I wasn't facing him because I was working on my project, that affected him, so he told me then and there and I did turn around to pay attention to him.

But I didn't do anything intentionally to upset anyone, it's just my ignorance, I've always been a reserved less speaking person, so I have never developed any real social skills anyways.

What can I do to behave better in social situations?

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