My husband and I got married less than a year ago. We have been together for 10 yrs and living together for 7 years.
Ever since we moved in we decided to split all the house bills in half regardless of income amounts.
We got married and I thought it would be different (stupid of me I know). He is a very successful guy. He makes double my salary and even though I’ve always payed my own bills, never asked or expected help from him at all. He has also never offered but always has said to others how we both take care of our bills, and how he wants to help me with mine ( I have student debt and hospital bills)
He always asks why am I not able to save more money. I explain to him how I have a lot more bills and make much less than him ( which I am extremely proud of him for not having any loans and how far he has come in his career)
I’ve let it slide and never held him to anything because I’ve never expected help from anyone.
Our landlord just raised our rent and I asked him how we wanted to want to handle it and he said we can split it. Idk why I thought he would say “I’ll take it” but it made me very sad. I didn’t say anything.

Am I expecting too much? Is it wrong of me to feel this way?

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