I am moving out for my freshman year at college soon. I have been assigned a triple room in the dorms. My mom has told me multiple times that nobody will talk to me since I have blue hair and piercings, and she has expressed concern and tried to prepare me for the fact that my two roommates may become acquainted or friends and leave me out because i am different. i’m not extremely alternative, just a 19 year old girl with blue hair and an eyebrow and nose piercing, however i like how i look and i really don’t want to change it like my mom is suggesting. My hobbies, music taste, style, etc. are also on the more “out there” end, but again nothing super extreme. is there any way i can have a shot at not being the odd one out in my roommate situation? I really don’t want to end up as the left out one in our group of three. Aside from the roommate situation, i’m nervous about making friends at school in general because I’ve always had poor social skills and been “weird”. My school being in a smaller area of the midwest also doesn’t help with my concern of fitting in and making friends. I am just so nervous and don’t even know where to begin to set myself up for a successful college social life

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