Who’s the most badass female character in a movie? She doesn’t have to be physically badass

  1. Erin Brokovich (Julia Roberts) walked so Elle Woods could run.

    I guess the real life Erin is probably pretty badass, too.

  2. Toph and/or Katara from Avatar.

    Edit: heck, most of the women in Avatar.

  3. Erin from You’re next (horror film). She’s a smart girl and was switched on from the get go.

  4. Someone already said Ripley, so Sarah Connor. Oh, and Evelyn from Everything Everywhere All At Once.

  5. To be quite honest, Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz did some badass shit.

    First, she’s a child. Second, she stood up to the old bat trying to take her dog. Third, she gets dropped into a weird fantasy world and, alone, decides she’s walking through it to take a chance on the thin possibility that some dude in a faraway city might be able to help her.

    Then, a witch tries to take her shoes and threatens her and her dog. She goes on her journey anyway, makes friends, helps them above helping herself, and kills said witch (spoiler) before finally achieving her goal (without the help of the guy she was going to see). I don’t know how to fit more badassery into one character.

  6. Wendy (played by Shelley Duvall) in The Shining. Stuck in a snowed in ghosthouse of a hotel, her husband slowly goes insane and wants to kill her and their boy, actual fucking supernatural shenaginans going on. Wendy is not a tough lady, but she pulls through, cuts her hubby and leaves him to die, and gets out alive with the kid.

  7. Marge Gunderson from Fargo is my favourite unassuming badass. Catches her killers with a gentle scolding, never loses her cool, comes home to chat about duck paintings with her husband and does it all heavily pregnant.

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