Hi all,

I just want to clarify one thing beforehand. I am not sad, depressed or anything like that. I am just curious about how others deal with the life.

I was born and raised in a developing country. I am currently at the begining of my 30s and I have been living abroad for a decade. I have managed to get EU citizenship, masters degree, managed to build great career, seen great chunk of countries even lived couple of them. I managed to make great friends, partied a lot.

Life is good so far. Some things could be better but you know, It's life. I don't mind so much.

My problem is, the life became boring recently. There are things which I enjoy but they don't satisfy me permanently. At the end of the day, life seems boring and dull anyways. What is the solution to this? Getting married and have child(eren)? I can dedicate myself to something. It could be career, travelling, football, cinema etc. I already do things I enjoy and I can't get rid of having routine life.

I talk to various people. They are either settled down and married happily or they have very lively life which is full of people, experiences, new things.. I am naturally introvert and I can't imagine having busy and lively life. Marriage sounds great sometimes but I am almost sure that, I will start finding It boring after some time. (Dating and flirting are difficult for me anyways due to being introvert)

I might be sounding depressed but I assure you that I am not. I am just trying to understand how other people deal with life? You might be living the life spontaneously without thinking about It too much? Or you accept the "way of life" and you are okay with It?

Please share your experiences with me.

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