My husband and I were together for 10 years, married 4 years. We decided to separate/divorce a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been staying with my sister.

He has mental health issues that require him to get a lot of sleep. He currently works night shifts, 10:30p-6a or 8:30p-5:00a. I still have access to the ring camera outside our garage and front door because I haven’t moved out yet. He is aware of this and is fine with it. The thing is, sometimes he’ll sleep through his alarms and when we were together I’d often have to wake up him to get ready for work.

Since we separated, I’ve called him twice because I noticed he hadn’t left for work yet. I don’t want him to get fired from his job, but I feel like I shouldn’t keep doing this for him. I care about him and feel for him still. We are amicable just know we cannot be together anymore.

I didn’t call him tonight, even though I noticed he hadn’t left yet. I feel horrible about it. It may seem like a simple issue and a dumb question, but any advice or thoughts are appreciated


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