How many male friends do you have?

  1. If you don’t count my husband’s friends that I’m friendly with-zero. If you count them, like 3.

  2. Something like four, if you don’t count work-friends. (I don’t count them because I wouldn’t want to hang out with them outside of work.)

  3. Probably 2-3 closer ones and a few “okay” friends.

    My partner is definitely ok with me having male friends, but he chooses to not have female friends despite me being ok with it too.

  4. Really close friends? 1

    Friends at all? Like 4

    Casual acquaintances I talk to regularly? 8

  5. Probably 20 or 30 guys I’d happily meet up with for drinks with no worries. Of those, I’m very close with 3 of them.

  6. I have a handful that I’m friendly with, but only one really close guy friend. I would also consider my boyfriend my friend

  7. I grew up with 5 brothers so I’ve always had a lot of male friends because I would always be with them. I have a good 6 male platonic friends

  8. I had 1 and I thought we were close. Then he just …. Stopped talking to me. He’s not with a girl or anything. I have no idea what happened.

  9. My best friend was a man for about 10 years, now he’s been upgraded to boyfriend (how risky, I know!). Aside from him, my other 2 best friends are 1 man, 1 woman. Then my next level of ride-or-die-but-not-as-close-friends is 3 men and 3 women (1 pair is a heterosexual couple).

  10. Um, 4 or 5, but I wouldn’t say I’m particularly close with any of them. I’m pretty introverted and don’t keep a large friend circle.

  11. 12. But I’m really close to 4 of them as I’ve known those 4 for literal years, some since childhood.

  12. about 9. a few kids because i’m good with kids and others being my age mates are all from church. yeah all my male friends are from church. my mum also discourages even looking at males outside of church but i digress lolz

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