What stupid, dangerous games did you play as children?

  1. I used to crawl down the stairs when I was younger. Now that I look back at it, I realize how monumentally moronic it was. One wrong hand placement and my neck potentially is gone.

    The blissful ignorance of youth. How I miss it.

  2. B B Gun fights it was a two pump maximum rule. Wrist rocket dog food fights. Ninja kick the can, more injuries with that than the others combined.

  3. Ding dong ditch
    (More commonly known by something else that I’d rather not say because I’ll most likely get permanently banned).

  4. Climbing tall trees, riding dirt bikes fast with no protection whatsoever

  5. stupidest game i probably ever played was where me an me brother took shots at a tree branch with a machete eyes closed and the closer to the trunk you got without hitting it the more points you got

  6. Jumping off the house’s roof into a leaf pile. I never got hurt though I would have if my parents caught me doing it.

  7. baseball with a basketball. wound up with a tom and jerry hot dog on my head.

  8. “Skitchin” this involves kids hanging on to a cars bumper, back when they had them, in the winter. You “ski” on the ice road and if you’re the last to let go…you win!

  9. In elementary, it was “kill the man with the ball” – pre-cursor to my love of tackle football.

    In Jr. HS/HS it was street football in fall, street hockey in winter, and occassional street baseball (when we couldn’t access the community playground).

  10. Play stretch by seeing who can throw a knife closer to their feet than they can throw it closer to your feet.

  11. Not a game but someone would climb to the top of a medium height tree and then our friends would chop it down.

  12. Lawn darts with darts as long as my calf. As far as I’m aware, they’re not legal anymore in my state.

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